OCT 3D Scan
Discover eye conditions several years early with an OCT 3D scan, which provides a detailed understanding of how healthy your eyes are.
What is an OCT 3D eye scan?
OCT stands for Optical Coherence Tomography, a method in which we can get a clearer picture and a better understanding of how healthy your eyes are. It’s a quick, non-invasive scan performed in your health screening that occurs just before your eye test.
Whereas standard digital retinal photography allows us to see the surface of the back of your eye, the OCT scanner gives us a detailed 3D image of the inside of your eye, including its retina and layers.
The OCT 3D images provides a cross sectional view of the inner anatomy of your eyes, specifically the retinas, to provide a deeper analysis of your eye health going into the eye test. Whilst we perform digital retinal photography in all eye tests to help identify any underlying conditions, the imagery produced by the 3D scan can help us detect more serious eye conditions several years early.
Benefits of an OCT 3D scan
There are many benefits to having an OCT 3D scan. Just like regular retinal photography, it is non-invasive, completely painless procedure. It only takes just a few seconds and it is free of charge at Pinder Eyecare & Hearing Clinic.
The main benefit to having an OCT 3D scan is that it can diagnose eye conditions and diseases earlier than other eye examinations, including those with no symptoms.
The 3D images lets us see even subtle changes in your eyes, including the vitreous, retina, macula and the optic nerve. Many of the issues the OCT 3D scan detect form at the back of the eye.
Conditions the 3D scan can identify
Glaucoma is the name given to a group of eye conditions which affect the optic nerve, as it joins the back of the eye.
The optic nerve passes information like brightness, colour and contrast, from your eye to your brain.
Most types of glaucoma have no symptoms, so a regular eye test is the only way to know you have the condition.
The OCT scan can detect glaucoma 4 years earlier than other eye tests.
Aged Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is a painless eye condition that causes you to lose central vision, usually in both eyes.
It's one of the leading causes of severe vision loss in over 50’s.
There are 2 types of this condition, Dry AMD and Wet AMD. An OCT scan can diagnose aged macular degeneration so it can be treated early.
People with diabetes can experience a range of eye conditions, including diabetic retinopathy which damages the retina.
In severe cases it can also cause loss of sight.
There are many different types of diabetic retinopathy.
The OCT scan lets us see the slightest change in your retina, helping us to diagnose diabetic retinopathy early.
Some cases of this condition cannot be diagnosed with a normal eye test.
Diabetic eye screenings are designed for people with diabetes, giving us a wider view of the retina.
Detached Retina
A detached retina happens when the thin layer at the back of your eye becomes loose. Symptoms of this include:
Blurred Vision
Flashed of light
A sudden increase of floaters in your eye
A dark curtain moving across your field vision
If this isn’t treated quickly, it can permanently affect your sight.
If you suspect you have a detached retina, you should see your optometrist right away.
Macular Hole
The macular is a part of the retina. A macular hole can open in the retina, causing blurred and distorted vision.
The condition isn’t painful; however, you can see a black or missing patch in the centre of your field of vision.
Optic Nerve Inflammation
Optic nerve inflammation, also known as optic neuritis, can happen when your optic nerve becomes inflamed.
The effects of this condition are quite sudden.
Some of these include blurry vision, inability to see colour and pain when moving your eyes.
This condition is common in people with MS (multiple sclerosis).
Retinal Vein Occlusion
Retinal vein occlusion can happen when a blood clot blocks the retinal vein.
This condition is more common in people with diabetes.
An OCT 3D scan can detect retinal vein occlusion by examining the back of your eye.
Should I get an OCT 3D scan?
If you are aged 18 or over, we would recommend coming in for a 3D scan.
If you’d like to know more about your eye health, or if you have glaucoma, diabetes or a family history of eye disease, the 3D scan is also recommended.
Even if your eyes are perfectly healthy, having a 3D scan gives us a visual record of how healthy your eyes are.
Then every time you come in for an eye test and have another OCT 3D scan, we can detect even the slightest changes in your eye, helping us to detect any potential eye conditions early.
As with any health condition, detecting any issues early helps us to manage them and prevent them from worsening.
Get your FREE OCT 3D Scan at Pinder Eyecare & Hearing Clinic.
Discover Eye Conditions Early.